Willem de KOONING (Dutch-American, 1904-1997)
Willem de Kooning was a Dutch-born American painter who was one of the leading proponents of abstract expressionism. Born
in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, in 1904, Willem de Kooning stowed away to the U.S. in 1926 and settled in New York City. While
working in the commercial realm, de Kooning also was developing his artistic style, exploring both figure painting and more
abstract subjects through the 1930s. By the 1940s, those two main tendencies seemed to fuse perfectly, notably in Pink Angels.
De Kooning became known for his depiction of women, and women would dominate his paintings for decades. Later in life, de
Kooning explored landscapes and even sculpture, before Alzheimer's disease made it impossible to continue on. He died in
1997 at age 92.
Some of De Kooning's paintings have been sold for (near) record prices. In November 2006, David Geffen sold his oil painting
Woman III to Steven A. Cohen for $137.5 million, just below the then record $140 million transaction the same people had in
the same month for Jackson Pollock's No. 5, 1948. A month earlier Cohen had already paid Geffen $63.5 million for Police
Gazette. In September 2015 David Geffen, again, sold De Kooning's oil painting “Interchange" for $300 million to hedge fund
billionaire Ken Griffin. As of 2016 this is the highest price paid for a painting, even when inflation is taken into account, perhaps
matched by the sale for "close to $300 million" of Paul Gauguin's When Will You Marry? in February 2015.
Title: "Beach Scene"
*Signed LR *Very rare
Year: 1971
Medium: Original Lithograph
Limited edition: 32/39
Framed size: 41.25" x 32.75"
Sheet size: 37" x 28.5"
Image size: 31" x 23"
Reference: Graham 23
Price: SOLD