Nathaniel Wallich (Danish, 1786-1854)
Title: "Salvia cana (Woolly Sage)" (Plate 116)
Portfolio: Plantae Asiaticae Rariores; or,
Descriptions and Figures of a Select Number of
Unpublished East Indian Plants
Year: 1830-1832
Medium: Original Hand-Colored Lithograph
Limited edition: 254
Sheet size: 21.13" x 14.25"
Price: $900
Nathaniel Wolff Wallich FRS FRSE (28 January 1786 – 28 April 1854) was a surgeon and botanist of Danish origin who worked in
India, initially in the Danish settlement near Calcutta and later for the Danish East India Company and the British East India
Company. He was involved in the early development of the Calcutta Botanical Garden, describing many new plant species and
developing a large herbarium collection which was distributed to collections in Europe. Several of the plants that he collected
were named after him.
"Plantae Asiaticae Rariores; or, Descriptions and Figures of a Select Number of Unpublished East Indian Plants", (1830-1832) -
Nissen BBI 2099; Pritzel 9957; Stafleu-Cowan 16583; Dunthorne 326
Title: "Impatiens puberula (Soft Pink Balsam)"
(Plate 193)
Portfolio: Plantae Asiaticae Rariores; or,
Descriptions and Figures of a Select Number of
Unpublished East Indian Plants
Year: 1830-1832
Medium: Original Hand-Colored Lithograph
Limited edition: 254
Sheet size: 21.13" x 14.13"
Price: $900